
PACMEDY Publications

Note: only publications resulting from the project are considered as PACMEDY publications. They should acknowledge the PACMEDY project1). Two categories are considered : Multi-partners and mono partners. Multi-partner gather the publications for which at least 2 PACMEDY partners have cosigned the manuscript. The list for mono partner publications is organised under the different partner acronyms.

Brierley, C. M., Zhao, A., Harrison, S. P., Braconnot, P., Williams, C. J. R., Thornalley, D. J. R., Shi, X., Peterschmitt, J.-Y., Ohgaito, R., Kaufman, D. S., Kageyama, M., Hargreaves, J. C., Erb, M. P., Emile-Geay, J., D'Agostino, R., Chandan, D., Carré, M., Bartlein, P. J., Zheng, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Q., Yang, H., Volodin, E. M., Tomas, R. A., Routson, C., Peltier, W. R., Otto-Bliesner, B., Morozova, P. A., McKay, N. P., Lohmann, G., Legrande, A. N., Guo, C., Cao, J., Brady, E., Annan, J. D., and Abe-Ouchi, A.: Large-scale features and evaluation of the PMIP4-CMIP6 midHolocene simulations, Clim. Past, 16, 1847–1872,, 2020.

Brown, J. R., Brierley, C. M., An, S.-I., Guarino, M.-V., Stevenson, S., Williams, C. J. R., Zhang, Q., Zhao, A., Abe-Ouchi, A., Braconnot, P., Brady, E. C., Chandan, D., D'Agostino, R., Guo, C., LeGrande, A. N., Lohmann, G., Morozova, P. A., Ohgaito, R., O'ishi, R., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Peltier, W. R., Shi, X., Sime, L., Volodin, E. M., Zhang, Z., and Zheng, W.: Comparison of past and future simulations of ENSO in CMIP5/PMIP3 and CMIP6/PMIP4 models, Clim. Past, 16, 1777–1805,, 2020.

Harrison, S. P., Gaillard, M. J., Stocker, B. D., Vander Linden, M., Klein Goldewijk, K., Boles, O., Braconnot, P., Dawson, A., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Kaplan, J. O., Kastner, T., Pausata, F. S. R., Robinson, E., Whitehouse, N. J., Madella, M., and Morrison, K. D.: Development and testing scenarios for implementing land use and land cover changes during the Holocene in Earth system model experiments, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 805-824, 2020.

Comas-Bru, L., Harrison, S.P., Werner, M., Rehfeld, K., Scroxton, N., Veiga-Pires, C., and SISAL Working Group Members, 2019. Using speleothem records of climate changes since the last glacial for model evaluation. Climate of the Past 15: 1557-1579.

Schmitt, A., M. Elliot, K. Thirumalai, C. La, F. Bassinot, J. Petersen, A. Movellan, S.J. Jorry, J. Borgomano,. Single foraminifera Mg/Ca analyses of past glacial-interglacial temperatures derived from G. ruber sensu stricto and sensu lato morphotypes, Chemical Geology, 511, 510-520, 11.007. 2019.

Carré M., M. Azzoug, P. Zaharias, A. Camara , R. Cheddadi , M. Chevalier, D. Fiorillo, A. Gaye, S. Janicot, M. Khodri, A. Lazar, C. E. Lazareth, J. Mignot, N. Mitma Garcia, N. Patris, O. Perrot, M. Wade (2019) Modern drought conditions in western Sahel unprecedented in the past 1600 years. Climate Dynamics, 52(3), 1949-1964.

Shi C., V. Daux, Z. Li, X. Wu, T. Fan, Q. Ma, X. Wu, H. Tian, M. Carré, D. Ji, W. Wang, A. Rinke, W. Gong, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, V. Masson-Delmotte (2018). The response of relative humidity to centennial-scale warming over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from tree-ring width chronologies. Climate Dynamics, 51(9-10), 3735-3746.

Kageyama, M., Braconnot, P., Harrison, S. P., Haywood, A. M., Jungclaus, J. H., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Peterschmitt, J. Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., Albani, S., Bartlein, P. J., Brierley, C., Crucifix, M., Dolan, A., Fernandez-Donado, L., Fischer, H., Hopcroft, P. O., Ivanovic, R. F., Lambert, F., Lunt, D. J., Mahowald, N. M., Peltier, W. R., Phipps, S. J., Roche, D. M., Schmidt, G. A., Tarasov, L., Valdes, P. J., Zhang, Q., and Zhou, T.: The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 1: Overview and over-arching analysis plan, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1033-1057, 2018.

Jungclaus, J. H., Bard, E., Baroni, M., Braconnot, P., Cao, J., Chini, L. P., Egorova, T., Evans, M., González-Rouco, J. F., Goosse, H., Hurtt, G. C., Joos, F., Kaplan, J. O., Khodri, M., Klein Goldewijk, K., Krivova, N., LeGrande, A. N., Lorenz, S. J., Luterbacher, J., Man, W., Maycock, A. C., Meinshausen, M., Moberg, A., Muscheler, R., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Otto-Bliesner, B. I., Phipps, S. J., Pongratz, J., Rozanov, E., Schmidt, G. A., Schmidt, H., Schmutz, W., Schurer, A., Shapiro, A. I., Sigl, M., Smerdon, J. E., Solanki, S. K., Timmreck, C., Toohey, M., Usoskin, I. G., Wagner, S., Wu, C.-J., Yeo, K. L., Zanchettin, D., Zhang, Q., and Zorita, E.: The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 3: The last millennium, scientific objective, and experimental design for the PMIP4 past1000 simulations, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 4005–4033,, 2017.

Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Braconnot, P., Harrison, S. P., Lunt, D. J., Abe-Ouchi, A., Albani, S., Bartlein, P. J., Capron, E., Carlson, A. E., Dutton, A., Fischer, H., Goelzer, H., Govin, A., Haywood, A., Joos, F., LeGrande, A. N., Lipscomb, W. H., Lohmann, G., Mahowald, N., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Pausata, F. S. R., Peterschmitt, J.-Y., Phipps, S. J., Renssen, H., and Zhang, Q.: The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 2: Two interglacials, scientific objective and experimental design for Holocene and Last Interglacial simulations, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3979-4003, 2017. doi:10.5194/gmd-10-3979-2017.

Anchukaitis, K. J., Wilson, R., Briffa, K. R., Büntgen, U., Cook, E. R., D'Arrigo, R., … & Hegerl, G. (2017). Last millennium Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures from tree rings: Part II, spatially resolved reconstructions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 163, 1-22.

Arias-Ruiz, C; M. Elliot; A. Bézos; K. Pedoja; L. Husson; Sri Y. Cahyarini; E. Cariou; E. Michel; C. La; F. Manssouri. Geochemical fingerprints of climate variation and the extreme La Niña 2010–11 as recorded in a Tridacna squamosa shell from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.08.037, 2017

D’Agostino, R., J. R. Brown, A. Moise, H. Nguyen, P. L. Silva Dias, and J. Jungclaus, Contrasting Southern Hemisphere monsoon response: mid-Holocene orbital forcing versus future greenhouse-gas induced global warming. J. Climate, doi:

Konecky, B.L., McKay, N.P., Churakova (Sidorova), O.V., Comas-Bru, L., Dassié, E.P., DeLong, K.L., Falster, G.M., Fischer, M.J., Jones, M.D., Jonkers, L., Kaufman, D.S., Leduc, G., Managave, S.R., Martrat, B., Opel, T., Orsi, A.J., Partin, J.W., Sayani, H.R., Thomas, E.K., Thompson, D.M., Tyler, J.J., Abram, N.J., Atwood, A.R., Conroy, J.L., Kern, Z., Porter, T.J., Stevenson, S.L., von Gunten, L., 2020. The Iso2k Database: A global compilation of paleo-δ18O and δ²H records to aid understanding of Common Era climate. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. 2020, 1–49.

Brierley, C., & Wainer, I. (2018). Inter-Annual Variability In The Tropical Atlantic From The Last Glacial Maximum Into Future Climate Projections Simulated By CMIP5/PMIP3. Climate Of The Past, 14(10), 1377-1390.


Braconnot, P., Albani, S., Balkanski, Y., Cozic, A., Kageyama, M., Sima, A., Marti, O., and Peterschmitt, J. Y.: Impact of dust in PMIP-CMIP6 mid-Holocene simulations with the IPSL model, Clim. Past Discuss., 2020, 1-51, 2020.

Crétat, J., Braconnot, P., Terray, P., Marti, O., and Falasca, F.: Mid-Holocene to present-day evolution of the Indian monsoon in transient global simulations, Climate Dynamics, 2020. 1-24, 2020.

Falasca, F., Crétat, J., Braconnot, P., and Bracco, A.: Spatiotemporal complexity and time-dependent networks in sea surface temperature from mid- to late Holocene, The European Physical Journal Plus, 135, 392, 2020.

Braconnot, P., Crétat, J., Marti, O., Balkanski, Y., Caubel, A., Cozic, A., Foujols, M.-A., and Sanogo, S.: Impact of Multiscale Variability on Last 6,000 Years Indian and West African Monsoon Rain, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 14021-14029, 2019.

Braconnot, P., Zhu, D., Marti, O., and Servonnat, J.: Strengths and challenges for transient Mid- to Late Holocene simulations with dynamical vegetation, Clim. Past, 15, 997-1024, 2019.

Lin, Y., Ramstein, G., Wu, H., Rani, R., Braconnot, P., Kageyama, M., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Zhang, R., and Guo, Z.: Mid-Holocene climate change over China: model–data discrepancy, Clim. Past, 15, 1223-1249, 2019.

Chen, L., Zheng, W., and Braconnot, P.: Towards understanding the suppressed ENSO activity during mid-Holocene in PMIP2 and PMIP3 simulations, Climate Dynamics, 53, 1095-1110, 2019.

Extier, T., Landais, A., Bréant, C., Prié, F., Bazin, L., Dreyfus, G., Roche, D. M., and Leuenberger, M.: On the use of δ18Oatm for ice core dating, Quaternary Science Reviews, 185, 244-257, 2018.


Atsawawaranunt, K., Comas-Bru, L., Amirnezhad Mozhdehi, S., Deininger, M., Harrison, S.P., Baker, A., Boyd, M., Kaushal, N., Masood Ahmed, S., Arienzo, M., Brahim, Y.A., Bajo, P., Braun, K., Burstyn, Y., Chawchai, S., Duan, W., Hatvani, I.G., Hu, J., Kern, Z., Labuhn, I., Lachniet, M., Lechleiter, F.A., Lorrey, A., Pérez-Mejías, C., Pickering, R., Scroxton, N. and SISAL Working Group Members, 2018a. The SISAL database: a global resource to document water and carbon isotope records from speleothems. Earth System Science Data 10:1687-1713.

Atsawawaranunt, K., Harrison, S.P., Comas Bru, L., 2018b. SISAL (Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis Working Group) database Version 1.0. University of Reading Dataset.

Atsawawaranunt, K., Harrison, S.P., Comas Bru, L., 2019. SISAL (Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis Working Group) database version 1b. University of Reading. Dataset.

Bartlein, P.J., Harrison, S.P. and Izumi, K., 2017. Underlying causes of Eurasian mid-continental aridity in simulations of mid-Holocene climate. Geophysical Research Letters 44, doi: 10.1002/2017GL074476.

Comas Bru, L., Harrison, S.P., 2019. SISAL: Bringing added value to speleothem research Quaternary 2, 7; doi:10.3390/quat2010007

Comas-Bru, L., Rehfeld, K., Roesch, C., Amirnezhad-Mozhdehi, S., Harrison, S.P., Atsawawaranunt, K., Ahmad, S.M., Ait Brahim, Y., Baker, A., Bosomworth, M., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Columbu, A., Deninger, M., Demény, A., Dixon, B., Hatvani, I.G., Hu, J., Fohlmeister, J., Kaushal, N., Kern, Z., Labuhn, I., Lechleitner, F.A., Lorrey, A., Martrat, B., Novello, V.F., Oster, J., Pérez-Mejías, C., Scholz, D., Scroxton, N., Sinha, N., Ward, B.M., Warken, S., Zhang, H. and SISAL Working Group members, 2020. SISALv2: A comprehensive speleothem isotope database incorporating age-depth model uncertainties. Earth System Science Data 12: 2579-2606.

De Cort, G., Chevalier, M., Burrough, S., Chen, C.Y., Harrison, S.P., in prep. Lake-level variability in eastern and southern Africa throughout the last 50,000 years: illustrating a new database and its use for data-model comparisons. Submitted to Quaternary Science Reviews

Harrison, S.P., 2017. BIOME 6000 DB classified plotfile version 1. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harrison, S.P., Atsawawaranunt, K., Comas-Bru, L., Prentice, I.C. (in prep.) Modelling speleothem carbon isotopic records. (To be submitted to Earth and Planetary Science Letters)

Harrison, S.P., 2019. Modern Pollen Data for Climate Reconstructions, version 1 (SMPDS). University of Reading Dataset.

Harrison, S.P. (2020) Climate reconstructions for the SMPDSv1 modern pollen data set. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3605003.

Liao, M. and Harrison, S.P., in prep. Palaeoclimatic Interpretation of lake status changes in China since the Last Glacial Maximum. (To be submitted to Climate of the Past)

Liu, M., Prentice, I.C., ter Braak, C.J.F, Harrison, S.P., 2020. An improved statistical approach for reconstructing past climates from biotic assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematics A 476: 20200346, 20200346,

Li, G., Harrison, S.P., and Prentice, I.C., 2019. Quantifying climatic influences on tree-ring width. Biogeosciences Discussions,

Parker, S., Harrison, S.P., Comas-Bru, L., Kaushal, N., LeGrande, A., Werner, M., 2020. A data-model approach to interpreting speleothem oxygen isotope records from monsoon regions on orbital timescales. Climate of the Past Discussions,

Turner, M.G., Wei, D., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S.P., 2020. The impact of methodological decisions on climate reconstructions using WA-PLS. Quaternary Research. doi:10.1017/qua.2020.44

Wei, D., Harrison, S.P. and Prentice, I. C., 2019a. The climatic space of European pollen taxa. University of Reading. Dataset.

Wei, D., González-Sampériz, P., Gil-Romera, G., Harrison, S.P., Prentice, I.C., 2021. Climate changes in interior semi-arid Spain from the last interglacial to the late Holocene. Quaternary Research (in press)

Williams, C. J. R., Guarino, M.-V., Capron, E., Malmierca-Vallet, I., Singarayer, J. S., Sime, L. C., Lunt, D. J., and Valdes, P. J.: CMIP6/PMIP4 simulations of the mid-Holocene and Last Interglacial using HadGEM3: comparison to the pre-industrial era, previous model versions and proxy data, Clim. Past, 16: 1429–1450, 2020.


D’Agostino R, Lionello P., Adam O., Schneider T., 2017: Factors controlling Hadley Circulation changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to the end of the 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters4 (16), 8585-8591,

Dallmeyer, A., Claussen, M., Lorenz, S. J., and Shanahan, T., 2020: The end of the African humid period as seen by a transient comprehensive Earth system model simulation of the last 8000 years, Clim. Past, 16, 117–140, doi:10.5194/cp-16-117-2020.

D’Agostino, R., Bader, J., Bordoni, S., Ferreira, D., and Jungclaus, J.H., 2019: Northern Hemisphere monsoon response to mid-Holocene orbital forcing and greenhouse gas-induced global warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2018GL081589.

D’Agostino, R., P. Lionello: The atmospheric moisture budget in the Mediterranean, 2020: mechanisms for seasonal changes in the Last Glacial Maximum and future warming scenarios, accepted for publication, Quaternary Science Reviews.

Bader, J.; Jungclaus, J.; Krivova, N.; Lorenz, S.; and Claussen, M., 2020: Global temperature modes shed light on the Holocene temperature conundrum”, Nature Communications, 11: 4726. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18478-6.

D'Agostino, R., Scambiati, A., Jungclaus, J, Lionello, P., 2020: Poleward shift of northern subtropics in winter: time of emergence of zonal versus regional signals. Geophysical Research Letters, 47: e2020GL089325. doi:10.1029/2020GL089325.

D’Agostino, R., J.R. Brown, A. Moise, H. Nguyen, P.L. Silva Dias, J. Jungclaus: Contrasting Southern Hemisphere monsoon response: mid-Holocene orbital forcing versus future greenhouse-gas induced global warming, Journal of Climate, 33, 9595-9613. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0672.1.


Pausata F.S.R., Zhang, Q., Muschitiello, F., Lu, Z., Chafik, L., Niedermeyer, E.M., Stager, J.C., Cobb, K.M., and Liu, Z.: Green Sahara suppressing ENSO activity during the Mid-Holocene, Nature Communications, 8, 2017.

Pausata, F.S.R., Emanuel, K.A., Chiacchio, M., Diro, G., Zhang, Q., Sushama, L., Stager, J.C., and Donnelly, J.: Tropical storm activity enhanced by Sahara greening and reduced dust emissions during the African Humid Period, Proc. Natl. Ac. Sci. U.S.A., 114 (24), 2017.

Tierney, J.E., Pausata, F.S.R., and deMenocal, P.B.: Rainfall regimes of the Green Sahara, Science Advances, 3, 2017.

Gaetani M., G. Messori, Q. Zhang, C. Flamant, F.S.R. Pausata: Understanding the mechanisms behind the northward extension of the West African Monsoon during Mid-Holocene. J. Clim, 30, 7621-7642, 2017.

Messori G., M. Gaetani, Q. Zhang, Q. Zhang, F.S.R. Pausata: The Water Cycle of the Mid-Holocene West African Monsoon: the Role of Vegetation and Dust Emission Changes, Int. J. Clim., 2019.

Sun, W., Wang, B., Zhang, Q., Pausata, F.S.R., Chen, D., Lu, G., Yan, M., Ning, L., and Liu, J.: Northern Hemisphere land monsoon precipitation increased by the Green Sahara during mid-Holocene, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2019.

Piao, J., Chen, W., Wang, L., Pausata, F.S.R. and Zhang, Q.: Northward extension of the East Asian summer monsoon during the mid-Holocene, Glob. and Planet. Changes, 2020.

Winter, A., Zanchettin, D., Lachniet, M., Vieten, R., Pausata, F.S.R., Ljungqvist, F.C., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Miller, T., Rubinetti, S., Rubino, A., Taricco, C.: Initiation of a stable convective hydroclimatic regime in Central America circa 9000 years BP, Nature Commun., 2020.

Pausata, F.S.R., Gaetani, M., Messori, G., Berg, A., Maia de Souza, D., Sage, R. and deMenocal, P.B.: The Greening of the Sahara: Past Changes and Future Implications, One Earth, 2 (3), 235-250, 2020.


Borgaonkar, H.P., Gandhi, N., Somaru Ram, Krishnan, R., 2018. Tree-ring reconstruction of late summer temperatures in northern Sikkim (eastern Himalayas), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 504, 125-135, DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.05.018

Sinha N., Gandhi, N., Chakraborty, S., Krishnan, R., Yadava, M.G., Ramesh R., 2018. Abrupt climate change at ~2800 yr BP evidenced by a stalagmite record from peninsular India, The Holocene, 28, 1-11, DOI:10.1177/0959683618788647

Krishnan R., Sabin, T.P., Madhura, R.K., Vellore, R.K., Mujumdar, M., Sanjay, J., Nayak, S., Rajeevan, M., 2019. Non-monsoonal precipitation response over the western Himalayas to climate change, Climate Dynamics, 52, 4091-4109,

Priya P., Krishnan, R., Mujumdar, M., 2020. Uncertainties in river discharge simulations of the Upper Indus basin in the Western Himalayas, Journal of Earth System Sciences (Accepted for publication in March 2020)

Tejavath, C., Ashok, K., Chakraborty, S., Ramesh, R., 2019. A PMIP3 narrative of modulation of ENSO teleconnections to the Indian summer monsoon by background changes in the Last Millennium, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04718-z.

Tejavath, C., Ashok, K., Chakraborty, S., Ramesh, R., 2018. The ENSO teleconnections to the Indian summer monsoon climate through the Last Millennium as simulated by the PMIP3, Climate of the Past -Dis. Chakraborty, S., 2019. Potential of reef-building corals to study the past Indian monsoon rainfall variability, Current Science (accepted Oct 2019)

Sinha, Nitesh 2019 Isotopic studies of rainfall and its reconstruction using speloethems from the Indian subcontinent. Ph.D. thesis (Degree awarded and unpublished, Savitribai Phule Pune University, 12 Dec 2019) 146p.

Borgaonkar, H.P., Sabin, T.P., Krishnan, R., 2020. Deciphering Climate Variability over Western Himalaya Using Instrumental and Tree-Ring Records. In: A.P. Dimri et al. (eds.) Himalayan Weather and Climate and their impact on the environment. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham. pp 205-238.

Sao Paulo

Ramirez, E., P.L. Da Silva Dias, And C.F. Raupp, 2017: Multiscale Atmosphere–Ocean Interactions And The Low-Frequency Variability In The Equatorial Region. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 2503–2523, Https://Doi.Org/10.1175/JAS-D-15-0325.1

Figueiredo Prado, L., Wainer, I., & Leite Da Silva Dias, P. (2018). Tropical Atlantic Response To Last Millennium Volcanic Forcing. Atmosphere, 9(11), 421

Maksic, J., Shimizu, M. H., De Oliveira, G. S., Venancio, I. M., Cardoso, M., & Ferreira, F. A. (2019). Simulation Of The Holocene Climate Over South America And Impacts On The Vegetation. The Holocene, 29(2), 287–299. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0959683618810406

Marcello, F., Wainer, I., Gent, P. R., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., & Brady, E. C. (2019). South Atlantic Surface Boundary Current System During The Last Millennium In The CESM-LME: The Medieval Climate Anomaly And Little Ice Age. Geosciences, 9(7), 299.

Massaroppe, L.; Baccalá, L.A. Kernel Methods for Nonlinear Connectivity Detection. Entropy 2019, 21, 610.

Michelle Simões Reboita, Tércio Ambrizzi, Bruna Andrelina Silva, Raniele Fátima Pinheiro And Rosmeri Porfírio Da Rocha (2019). The South Atlantic Subtropical Anticyclone: Present And Future Climate. Frontier In Earth Sciences-Atmospheric Sciences, Vol 7, Doi: 10.3389/Feart.2019.00008 .

Raphaldini, B.; Teruya, A. S.; Raupp C.; Bustamante, M. D. (2019). Nonlinear Rossby Wave-Wave And Wave-Mean Flow Theory For Long Term Solar Cycle Modulations. The Astrophysical Journal, V. 887, P. 1/1-17, 2019.

Tonelli, M., Marcello, F., Ferrero, B., & Wainer, I. (2019). Warm Deep Water Variability During The Last Millennium In The CESM–LME: Pre-Industrial Scenario Versus Late 20th Century Changes. Geosciences, 9(8), 346

Verona, L. S., Wainer, I., & Stevenson, S. (2019). Volcanically Triggered Ocean Warming Near The Antarctic Peninsula. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-11.

Wainer, I., & Gent, P. R. (2019). Changes in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean estimated from the CESM Last Millennium Ensemble. Antarctic Science, 31(1), 37-51

Campos, J. L. P. S., Cruz, F. W.,Ambrizzi, T., Deininger, M., Vuille, M.,Novello, V. F., & Strikis, N. M. (2019). Coherent South American Monsoon variability during the last millennium revealed through high‐resolution proxy records. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 8261–8270.

Nagai, R. H., Chiessi, C. M., Kuhnert, H., Sousa, S. H., Wainer, I. E., Figueira, R. C., & Mahiques, M. M. (2020). South Brazilian Bight Mid-To Late Holocene Hydrographic Fluctuations. Geo-Marine Letters, 1-11.

Pontes, G. M., Wainer, I., Prado, L., & Brierley, C. (2020). Reduced Atlantic Variability In The Mid-Pliocene. Climatic Change, 1-17.

Raphaldini, Breno; David Ciro ; Medeiros, E. ; Lucas Massaroppe ; Ricardo I.F Da Trindade (2020). Evidence For Crisis-Induced Intermittency During Geomagnetic Superchron Transitions. Physical Review E, V. 101, P. 1-8.

Raphaldini, Breno; Medeiros, Everton ; Raupp, Carlos F. M. ; Teruya, Andre Seiji (2020) . A New Mechanism For Maunder-Like Solar Minima: Phase Synchronization Dynamics In A Simple Nonlinear Oscillator Of Magnetohydrodynamic Rossby Waves. The Astrophysical Journal, V. 890, P. L13.

Raphaldini, B., Wakate Teruya, A. S., Silva Dias, P. L., Chavez Mayta, V. R., & Takara, V. J. (2020). Normal mode perspective on the 2016 QBO disruption: Evidence for a basic state regime transition. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087274.

Raphaldini B, Raupp CFM. 2020 Nonlinear MHD Rossby wave interactions and persistent geomagnetic field structures. Proc. R. Soc. A 476: 20200174.

Raphaldini, B., Teruya, A. S. W., Leite da Silva Dias, P., Takahashi, D. Y., and Massaroppe, L.: Stratospheric ozone and QBO interaction with the tropical troposphere on intraseasonal and interanual time-scales: a wave interaction perspective, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss.,, 2020.

Shimizu, M.H., Sampaio, G., Venancio, I.M. Et Al. Seasonal Changes Of The South American Monsoon System During The Mid-Holocene In The CMIP5 Simulations (2020). Climate Dynamics, V. 54, 2697–2712. Https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S00382-020-05137-1.

Venancio, I. M., Shimizu, M. H., et al. Changes in surface hydrography at the western tropical Atlantic during the Younger Dryas. Global and Planetary change, v. 184, 2020,

Aguiar, W., Prado, L. F., Wainer, I., Liu, Z., Montenegro, A., Meissner, K. J., & Mata, M. M. (2020). Freshwater forcing control on early-Holocene South American monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 245, 106498.


Lohmann, G., M. Butzin, N. Eissner, X. Shi, C. Stepanek, 2020: Abrupt climate and weather changes across timescales. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35 (9), e2019PA003782, DOI:10.1029/2019PA003782, Special Section AGU Grand Challenges in the Earth and Space Sciences.

Shi, X., Lohmann, G., Sidorenko, D., Yang, H., 2020: Early-Holocene simulations using different forcings and resolutions in AWI-ESM. The Holocene 30 (7), 996-1015, doi:10.1177/0959683620908634

Yang, H., Lohmann, G., Krebs-Kanzow, U., Ionita, M., Shi, X., Sidorenko, D., Gong, X., Chen, X., and Gowan, E. J., 2020: Poleward shift of the major ocean gyres detected in a warming climate. Geophysical Research Letters 47, doi:10.1029/2019GL085868

Yang, H., G. Lohmann, X. Shi, C. Li, 2019: Ocean induce enhanced mid-latitude meridional heat imbalance under global warming. Atmosphere 10(12), 746.

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Nantes Univesity

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2021 Bruno Malaizé, Thierry Delcroix, Simon Michel, Anne-Marie Sémah, Anne-Laure Daniau, Thibaut Caley, Isabelle Billy, Michel Orliac, Sonia Haoa Cardinali, Rodrigo Abarca del Rio, Didier Swingedouw, Charlotte Skonieczny, Catherine Orliac, Muriel Georget and V. Hanquiez, Easter Island hydrological balance: clarifying the role of the ENSO phases. Submitted in ‘The Prehistory of Easter Island (Rapa Nui): Towards an Interdisciplinary Integrative Framework’, Springer books, Eds: V. Rull and C. M. Stevenson

Clément C. et al., Vegetation changes and Indian monsoon variability during the Holocene and the last prep

N. Rieger, T. Caley, E. Schefuss, P. Martinez, B. Malaizé, S. Zaragosi, G. Lohmann, F. Bassinot and N. Ellouz-Zimmermann. ‘Climate variability in the northern Arabian Sea during the Holocene’ In prep

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University College London

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French participants should mention the following in their acknowledgments: JPI-Belmont PACMEDY project (N ° ANR-15-JCLI-0003-01)
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